Chemical Peel - LenoxEsthetics

Acne Treatment

Acne is the term for the blocked pores (blackheads and whiteheads), pimples, and deeper lumps (cysts or nodules) that can appear typically on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms. Seventeen million Americans currently have acne, making it the most common skin disease in the country. While it affects mostly teenagers, and almost all teenagers have some form of acne, adults of any age can have it. Acne is not life-threatening, but it can cause physical disfigurement (scarring) and emotional distress.

Skin Cancer Screening

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States; in fact, 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. People of all colors and races can get skin cancer. There are many different types of skin cancer, including actinic keratoses (AK), basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and melanoma. BCC and SCC are the most common forms of skin cancer, but melanoma is the most deadly. With early detection and proper treatment, the cure rate for BCC and SCC is about 95 percent. When melanoma is detected before it spreads, it also has a high cure rate. Regular self-skin exams and a yearly examination by a dermatologist help people find early skin cancers.

Skin Tag Removal

A skin tag is a common type of skin growth that looks like a piece of hanging skin and most often develops on the neck, underarms, eyelids and under the breasts, often as a result of clothing rubbing against the skin. Most skin tags are acquired, although some people are born with them.

Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis is a group of chronic skin disorders that cause itching and/or burning, scaling and crusting of the skin. Over seven million men and women in the U.S. of all ages have some form of psoriasis, which may be mild, moderate or severe. The most commonly affected areas are the scalp, elbows, knees, hands, feet and genitals. Psoriasis cannot be cured, but it can be treated successfully, sometimes for months or years at a time and occasionally, even permanently. Treatment depends on the type, severity and location of psoriasis; the patient’s age, medical history and lifestyle; and the effect the disease has on the patient’s general mental health. The most common treatments are topical medications, phototherapy, photochemotherapy (PUVA), and oral or injectable medication (for severe symptoms).

Eczema Management

Eczema is a group of inflamed skin conditions that result in chronic itchy rashes. About 15 million people in the U.S. suffer from some form of eczema, including 10-20 percent of all infants. Symptoms vary from person to person but often include dry, red, itchy patches on the skin which break out in rashes when scratched. Objects and conditions that trigger itchy eczema outbreaks may include rough or coarse materials touching the skin, excessive heat or sweating, soaps, detergents, disinfectants, fruit and meat juices, dust mites, animal saliva and danders, upper respiratory infections and stress.

Melasma Treatment

Melasma is a common skin problem. It causes brown to gray-brown patches on the face. Most people get it on their cheeks, bridge of their nose, forehead, chin, and above their upper lip. It also can appear on other parts of the body that get lots of sun, such as the forearms and neck. One of the most common treatments for melasma is sun protection. This means wearing sunscreen every day and reapplying the sunscreen every 2 hours. Dermatologists also recommend wearing a wide-brimmed hat when you are outside. Sunscreen alone may not give you the protection you need. Women are far more likely than men to get melasma. It is so common during pregnancy that some people call it the mask of pregnancy. Hormones seem to trigger melasma.

Fungal Infections

Fungal infections are common skin conditions that may cause redness, itching, burning and scaling. They can also cause blisters or peeling. Fungus can grow anywhere on the body, but tends to develop in warm, moist areas such as the feet, groin and armpit area. Common types of fungal infections include athlete’s foot, jock itch, ringworm and yeast infections. Fungal infections can usually be successfully treated with antifungal oral or topical medications. They are not usually serious, but may be contagious, so treatment is important. Keeping the body clean and changing socks and underwear everyday can help prevent fungal infections.

Seborrheic Treatment

Seborrhea is a chronic skin condition of unknown origin which causes scaling, oiliness and redness of the skin, most commonly on the scalp (in which case it is often referred to as dandruff), face, ears, navel and genitals. Although symptoms imply that skin is dry, seborrhea actually involves excess oil production in the glands. For this reason, self-treatment methods such as moisturizing often prove ineffective and may even worsen the condition. Professionally recommended treatments such as cortisone creams and lotions, and reduction of yeast on the skin surface, in combination with frequent gentle washing and avoidance of harsh or perfumed soaps, can alleviate symptoms.

VI Peels

The Vi Peel is a pharmaceutical-grade chemical peel, that is produced by Vitality Institute Medical Products, a manufacturer of medical-grade skin care treatments that are meant to address the signs of aging and common skin damage problems. The company believes that the Vi Peel can help reduce the effects of sun damage and reduce signs of melasma. The main thrust of the Vi Peel is an attempt at reducing the pain and discomfort commonly associated with chemical peels, although results vary between patients.